I hope they make a sequel... it is a no brainer in my opinion that this story line of a young kid and his absentee dad reuniting and getting a robot to win the world championship, is the newest in a line of Rocky, The Champ, Karate Kid  type feel good action movies... To let it go withough a great sequel of them continuing to be partners in the robot games, and further learning that the dad character has a lot to experience from his kids point of view .. that would be a shame

If you've already enjoyed the movie, you'll love reading this interview with Hugh http://collider.com/hugh-jackman-real-steel-interview-2/118641/ it sheds light on the characters of the kid and dad from Hugh's perspective as an actor helping out a young new actor. Great stuff. I read the whole damn thing, its that good

To learn more about the Sightliner, browse the Old IHC thread that was made when they filmed a sequence in Mid Michigan. ABC12 ran a short clip in the news September 20, 2010 3:35 pm, but don't have it available on the website... morons

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